The trial court correctly denied defendants’ Anti-SLAPP motion to strike plaintiff’s claims under the UCL and CLRA based on defendants’ allegedly false statements in releases or other statements and advertisements that Michael Jackson was the lead artist on all tracks in a posthumous CD.  Even if the defendants’ statements were protected speech under CCP 425.16(e), plaintiff showed a probability of success on the merits, thus making denial appropriate.  Defendants’ statements were made as commercial speech to promote the sale of the CD.  False or misleading commercial speech may be prohibited without regard to whether the speaker knew of its falsity.  The statements were made by a commercial seller of the CDs to prospective buyers and concerned the product being sold.  Although the CD contained music, an expressive work entitled to greater First Amendment protection, the defendants’ statements about the CD were neither, and could be easily separated from the expressive content of the CD itself.  Also, the federal Copyright Act does not preempt California’s UCL and CLRA insofar as they prohibit falsely advertising copyrighted works.