Narrowly interpreting and correcting Copenbarger v. Morris Cerullo World Evangelism, Inc. (2018) 29 Cal.App.5th 1, this decision holds that proof of attorney fees as damages under the tort of another doctrine follows the same rules of proof of other types of expenses as damages.  The plaintiff’s testimony that she received and paid the bill is sufficient prima facie proof of how much was paid for legal services and the reasonableness of those charges.  Copies of the invoices would be admissible to corroborate the plaintiff’s testimony about the amount of the fees paid, though backup statements about the services performed are inadmissible hearsay unless evidence is presented to qualify the invoices as falling within the business records exception to the hearsay rule.  Also, the trial court can take judicial notice of the records of the case in which the fees were incurred in order to satisfy the plaintiff’s initial burden of showing that legal work was performed for her in that case.  The statements in those records need not be taken as true for the purpose of showing that work was done to prepare them.  Finally, the trial court had discretion to halt trial midcourse when defendant belatedly raised Copenbarger, to allow plaintiff time to produce the invoices and allow defendant an opportunity to depose plaintiff’s attorney about them–that was preferable to nonsuiting plaintiff on a late-raised theory, which created a result that the trial court acknowledged was unjust.