The parties had been high school sweethearts.  After they broke up, defendant emailed Dartmouth, where plaintiff had enrolled for college.  The emails said various disparaging things about plaintiff including that he had been the subject of a disciplinary proceeding in high school for voter fraud in a student body president election.  This decision holds that defendant’s Anti-SLAPP motion was properly denied.  Defendant couldn’t show that the complaint was based on protected conduct.  The emails were not protected as participation in an official proceeding (CCP 425.16(e)(2)) because the high school disciplinary proceeding had terminated a year before defendant sent the emails.  The emails also were not protected under section 425.16(e)(4) because they did not further any public debate or consideration of any public issue.  They were private emails to a single party, Dartmouth, intended to induce it to take private action against one of its students.