This decision affirms a judgment holding that Certified Tire’s method of compensating its technicians did not violate California’s wage & hour laws.  The compensation formula gave each technician a base salary rate that was above the minimum wage but allowed the technician to increase his hourly rate by performing more production work that customers paid for during the work week.  Unlike Armenta v. Osmose, Inc. (2005) 135 Cal.App.4th 314 and Gonzalez v. Downtown LA Motors, LP (2013) 215 Cal.App.4th 36 (as reaffirmed in Oman v. Delta Air Lines, Inc. (2020) 9 Cal.5th 762), the compensation formula paid the technician an above-minimum wage rate for each hour worked, including non-production work time and meal and rest break time, so it passed muster under California law–even though a worker might earn the same total amount by doing the same amount of production work in fewer total hours.  Also, Certified Tire’s method of compensation didn’t borrow a contractual above-minimum wage earned in some hours to cover a below minimum wage paid in others.  Instead, all hours were compensated at above-minimum wage rates according to a forumula that calculated the contractual wage rate by averaging production over the pay period.