Three parcels of real property were owned 50-50 by two trusts established by different trustors and both were administered by the same trustee.  Charitable organizations were the sole beneficiaries of both trusts.  The museum that was the sole beneficiary of one of the trusts wanted the properties distributed in kind to avoid adverse tax consequences.  The beneficiaries of the other trust wanted the properties sold.  On the trustee’s petition for instructions, the trial court ordered the properties immediately sold.  This decision reverses.  It holds that the trust of which the museum was the beneficiary gave the trustee discretion to sell upon the trustor’s death but didn’t require sale.  The trustee would have to exercise his discretion with only the interests of that trust’s beneficiary, the museum, in mind, not any contrary interests of the beneficiary of the other trust.  The trial court should also consider on remand whether Probate Code 16005 prohibited the trustee from representing both trusts–which it would if the trusts were “adverse.”