An implied easement may be recognized and enforced even though it precludes most uses by the owner of the servient tenement in the area covered by the easement.  Here, one owner held two adjoining lots, built a house on one lot with a driveway framed by a brick planter area on the house side and a fence on the far side.  The driveway encroached on the other lot by 8 ft.  When the owner sold the unbuilt lot, the deed did not expressly reserve an easement for the driveway, but the trial court found that the parties actually intended that the owner could continue to use the driveway despite its encroachment.  While exclusive easements may not be gained by prescription, an exclusive easement may be created by implication if the property is conveyed, the easement is important and beneficial to the dominant tenement, and the existing use of the easement was of such a nature that the parties must have intended it to continue.  These requirements set a high hurdle which will be even harder to satisfy in the case of an exclusive easement.