California has jurisdiction over the mother, her brother, and her daughters, all of whom now live in other states, in a suit filed by the son challenging actions taken by the others in connection with the family trust.  Mother and trust had deep California roots.  She lived in Santa Monica until 2016 and formed the trust there.  In 2016, the sisters and brother came to California to abduct or rescue her (depending which side one believes), and took her to Idaho, where she began taking actions regarding the trust and its property, much of which was (and some still is) in California, which harmed son.  The mother also filed several suits in California after moving to Idaho, some of which related to trust property and the son’s suit.  The mother, brother and sisters had ample contacts with California which related to the subject matter of the son’s suit.  It would not be manifestly unfair to litigate the son’s suit in California.  Though it might be difficult for the mother to attend a trial in California, courts are becoming experienced with handling testimony given from remote locations.